Parallel Realities and why give a F%$k about the Parallel Universe Theory! (HINT: It is NOT a Theory!)

Click, Click, Click…

Next scene, next scene, next scene.

Who is there with you?

Are there hills, an ocean, animals, flowers, trees?

Do you have a lover?

What does your home look like?

Do you have a butler? Why not!

As a child, do you remember the old red viewfinder where you place your eyes towards this device and insert a disc with various pictures in it, and as you look through it and click through each scene you get the projected image found on that screen?

Well, this is probably one of the best ways I can demonstrate to you, and my clients, how we explore the world of parallel realities.

Let’s say YOU, being the main character, go through life and as you do, you get to ‘click, click, click’ through each scene in your play! One step, second step, maybe a jog, now someone joins you in your scene, you know them, you say hi, the wind is blowing the trees back and forth, birds are in the air, no wait, you want a different person to meet down the street? Well, there is a parallel reality for that?

Oh hang on a second, you want a lover, well there is a different parallel reality for that too!

So how does this work and how can you leverage THESE STATES OF BEING.

Well, according to Q, The Parallel Universe Theory is as follows:

Picture a jug of water. This jug never empties; it is an endless fountain jug of consciousness. Then take empty glasses, one already filled. The one filled is your ‘starting point’ since you already exist, and the other empty glasses are your parallel reality versions of you. Now you go about your day and you make: CHOICES AND DECISION based on your BELIEFS AND DEFINITION AND EMOTIONS.

Okay, so go make a choice, now take that jug and pour into an empty glass. When you pour it into the empty glass, you have now ‘activated’ that glass with cosmic energy! You activated it with your NOW consciousness! And now, since you activated it, you have a whole new bunch of empty glasses ready for you to filler up! It’s that simple!

You see, the empty glasses simultaneously exist while your filled cup exists. Once your change your state of being to MATCH the frequency and vibrational resonance of the other version of you, YOU LITERALLY, via your cosmic energy and consciousness, breathe life into that other version of you!

It is just like the viewfinder, there are still images or parallel reality versions of you waiting for your activation. How do you activate them? Well each one has a different vibrational state of being! A different state of mind! And so you SHIFT through them by your thoughts, beliefs, definitions and your state of being!

If you think you are creating the same thing over and over again or feel like you are not getting somewhere in life, well the truth is, you are just making choices and decisions that are similar. Change is the only constant, therefore, you are just creating MORE of the same but you are still moving and still filling cups.

If you don’t like your choices or want to jump parallel realities, then work with someone who knows this science, someone who has connected the dots between science and spirituality, like a Vibrational Alignment Coach. One of many techniques and magic up our sleeves for you to explore! But I digress.

Now picture this parallel reality version of you that already exists: How do you speak? What do you wear? Who do you hang out with? Where do you live? How do you treat others?

Once you get an image and idea of that, start DOING THAT NOW! The power is in the NOW! Because that is how you activate your glass!

You see, you are already shifting through and clicking through many parallel reality versions of yourself and Earth. Many scenarios and scenes! You don’t have to bother yourself with all of the YOU’S OUT THERE! Just the one that attracts you the most, the one that is living the lifestyle YOU WANT NOW.

And as you shift through these versions of you and activate yourself, the people and places and things start attaching themselves to YOU! Because of the NEW VERSION & NEW SIGNAL that you have created and are giving off!

One of the many amazing and whimsical games we play with our clients is this parallel reality and future-self game but at a more advanced and customized level. In fact, sometimes, we play it to the point where clients actually KNOW they shifted because the circumstances around them CHANGE SO DRASTICALLY AND SO MUCH SO, they literally look at themselves and know they have changed!

They look different, they talk different, they do meetings different, their speech is different, their friends change, they eat different foods and so forth. HOW EXCITING TO KNOW AND EXPERIENCE THIS with a KINDRED SPIRIT AND PERSONAL COACH!

YOU get to embody a new version of you that you shifted through automatically but with a coach more deliberately since we play this game with deliberate intent, not living a life of default!

So, as you shift through your parallel realities, ask yourself,:

Is this the best version of me I want to be today?

And remember, the basis of this Universe is expansion so there will always be a version 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.

Just play it so well that you IN-JOY the process! That’s the key! Happiness!

So, Happy Deliberate Parallel Reality Shifting my FRIENDS!

With unwavering love and friendship,



The Coaching Experience



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