So it is done, So let it be received.

Days of Week – SUNday

Happy SUN-day everyone! Seriously, one of my favourite days of the week! (Venus, only 5 days away from writing your wonderful post 🙂 Anyway, who doesn’t like the sun and some vitamin D? Especially with this Vancouver weather we have been having lately. But I am sure he is peeking his head out soon! As […]

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HAPPY THOR’s-DAY! May your mind and thoughts, be as mighty and focused – as THUNDER!

Happy THOR’s DAY everyone! Welcome Norse god, THOR, honourable warrior, god of thunder, lightning, and god of impermeable strength! The protector of mankind, the guardian of Asgard! Son of Odin, son of Jörd or Gaea! Gaea (or EARTH) mated with Odin. Gaea wanted a son that would be as STRONG as Earth herself! So she […]

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Days of the Week – Happy Tyr Day!

Happy Tyr-Day! Pronounced, “tier.” Ah, close enough to Tuesday, right? The planet we celebrate today associates with Tyr-day…MARS! Mars is usually the planet associated with Aries. Mars also represents more focused masculine energy, and Mars/Ares, also known as the God of War. It is interesting how at times, these Norse gods and Greek gods coincide […]

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Days of the Week – MOONday

Happy Monday, everyone! Or, Moon-day! Funny how this planetary object, affects waves on our planet! The tides turn, because of her will. She is femme, vast, and purely goddess like! When I was a little girl, anytime we were trekking back in the late hours of the night with the family, on our car ride […]

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Days of the Week – Saturn

HAPPY SATURN-DAY! No, you still like Caturday? That’s okay too 🙂 When I think of Saturn, I think of when we first learned about the planets as kids, we always had a favourite. Those sterile sphere balls, that we painted and pinned to a spike or hung on a piece of a string. However you […]

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Dance of the Cosmos

The Dance of the Cosmos: Days of the week This week, we are going to celebrate our Planets and their songs! As each planet, has a unique vibrational signature/frequency, based on the, Schumann resonance. Also, incorporating Norse gods into the equation, of course, along with the Greek gods! And no, not just the Superhero names we grew up with […]

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