The Butterfly Effect: The Power of Thoughts, Beliefs and Definitions

Every morning when you wake up,

You are given the gift, the opportunity, of how you want to create your day.

I am going to introduce something completely new to you.
I am going to start with a blank canvas.
My paints are out, brushes ready. Let’s go!

You are an eternal being.

You are whole, pure, and complete. Always.

You chose to come here in physical form. You chose your parents. You even chose some of the concepts you wanted to explore.

You create your reality like a film projects images. Click, click, click, each strip lays out a new picture. You are the lead character in your movie. Everyone else plays a supporting role.

You are the actor.

The consequences, the environment, the actions, we will call them acts.

In law class, we learned to see the ‘criminal’ as an actor and the reason why Lady Justice is blindfolded is because she does not recognize race, age, gender, creed, status, or the actor. She only recognized the act and weighs in the evidence – the balance scale. And the actor is on trial for his or her actions.

I want you to take this for a second and play with it.
I want you to consider yourself as the lead actor in your play.

Now take the acts. Every event that occurs in your life is neutral. You get to choose what meaning you want to ‘impose’ on it. You impose the meaning by your current belief system. And your belief system is based on your thoughts and definitions.

When an actor goes through his Acts. Does he feel remorse, pity, scared, negative emotion, or does he see an opportunity to gain clarity? How long does he play out that act? I have seen people take ‘characters’ in their play and even though they were ‘intended’ to come in as a spark as one sentence, the actor drags them on, page after page, after page, chapter after chapter.

So, you are infinite intelligence focused in this body. You move your avatar around and stream your consciousness through him or her. You started with a clean slate: An all knowing state ready and eager to explore this new perspective of consciousness and physical reality.  In fact, consciousness created the physical world. Consciousness carved it out. Consciousness flows through your sight, your senses, your taste buds, your intuition, your ears, your breath, and beats through your heart.

There is a great analogy where consciousness is the electricity that flows through your radio. The radio is the physical mechanics of your brain. Many people study the radio thinking the voice came from ‘inside the box.’

A Belief SYSTEM is an electric network. It is a Network of thoughts that the personality you call Pam, or Bob, or Nicky represents. These can be changed and altered. Each connects to the other in a fine tune network. And since you don’t live in an isolated universe, the beliefs are formed through the interactions of ‘others’ or what I like to call, reflections of you. As you truly are the universe experiencing itself.

A belief system is like an electric network of pathways, channels and intersections.

Everything you want, or be, or do, or have exists in vibrational format first and foremost. If you have a ‘complex belief’ system, those things that you wish to experience in your life have to go through all the hurdles for it to find you. It has to flow through your complex roadmap. Some of you have these barriers and road ways and stop signs set up saying not this way, you have to go down that street, shake that man’s hand, push your car up the road 5 km, do the hokey pokey, and then turn left. That’s how you can find me. WHY would you ever want to do that?

Desires and passion can trump your belief system, even the complex ones. How? Well, a desire is at such a high frequency that you don’t think about the HOW. You just KNOW! And that knowing collapses the belief system because you are vibrating at such a high frequency. And all the hurdles and complexities get smashed away.

An example of a belief system is that in order to be ridiculously successful you have to work extremely hard. A definition is an extension of a belief system. So, you have just defined that success = hard work. So now, you paved your roads through hard work and now you told success, which can float effortlessly on your hand like a butterfly on a flower, you now told that butterfly that in order for it to gift you, it must take the road of hard work. You have closed every other door, window or avenue for it to reach you. You limit yourself.

Have you ever experienced someone who had a nervous breakdown? Many people do and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. I have defined a nervous breakdown as a butterfly effect. I have also defined companies going through a butterfly effect.

What is the butterfly effect?

It is when an OLD belief system is outdated and no longer works for that user. The operating system ‘crashes’ so to speak and it needs an update. The old system doesn’t work for him or her anymore. So now what? They get a new one. Be it a new government. A rebranding of a company. A new you. In fact, every second you are a new you but, I digress. This is a condensed transformation, as it seems to happen all at once, which is why for many who experience a nervous breakdown it can be a bit uncomfortable. The process in nature from an egg to butterfly is 4 to 5 weeks, which is dependant on external conditions such as weather climates. It doesn’t have to be drastic and happen all at once but usually when someone experiences a nervous breakdown it means that they were ignoring other signals that were given to them earlier and so it built up and collapsed all at once.

When people or companies change and when you change yourself, be it a new career, it is a beautiful thing. Many people, when going through change, think that you are ‘trying’ to be a butterfly when you just are. You are not a butterfly in a caterpillar body. You have fully re-emerged and transformed into a new identity. This is very natural. Many people, even my coaching clients, feel that they have to be a certain way and that they can’t ‘fit into’ this newly defined them.

What has occurred with the butterfly effect is that they have risen from the cocoon and fully embodied their true self. Period. And some people, be it family or friends, may be ‘used’ to seeing you a certain way, like a caterpillar, because they ‘defined’ or ‘labeled’ you as such to which I reply why would anybody want to live and breathe the sameness of their personality and not want to evolve and grow. It is natural for us all to all grow and evolve. Change is the only constant. And you create by focusing the change energy.

Everything can be learned and received. If you want to be a damn good neurosurgeon, you are. If you want to be the best coach, you are. If you want to be the best mum, you are. The only reason you come short of any of these definitions is because you have a screwy belief system. You have a screwy way or pathway set up for the universe to flow through you.

Instead of being flexible like water, some act as a rock. And as a rock, you limit the places you go whereas water can flow anywhere! It can even create a tsunami effect. It can even be transformed into a solid or gas! But we live in a society that has favored and champions the rock. Choose wisely.

“You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”
– Bruce Lee

I want to take this one step further. What if there was no journey? I know, we hear many say it is about the journey not the destination. But what if, the journey was an illusion and that all day, everyday; you were the realization of your thoughts in this present moment? Furthermore, you could channel and tune into whatever personality, characteristic, or quality you want to embody in any given moment. You realize it in the present moment. And from every present moment to the other you get to realize whatever reality you please. And the illusion of time and space and movement are merely that. An illusion.

I might say it is about the Now, and in the Now, it is about the Joy you feel. The relationships that fulfill you. The moments you laugh really hard. The moment when you take a bite of that amazing chocolate soufflé, now. The way you contribute your brilliance to the world, now.

Bless the Now. The past and the future only exist in the Now.

I end this post with something I originally posed to you. If you are the leading lady or man in your play, who then, is scripting your play?

Has your story already been written, or is it BEING WRITTEN in the NOW. And are there ‘parallel’ versions of your story?

In fact, this is big, stay with me here; what if the universe, via your experience of sifting and sorting through the data, already calculated the probabilities of your next step before it even happened? And so, it hears what your heart wants so it signals back to you impulses and ideas via INTUITION as a messenger of life’s coming attraction and what’s to come. That was BIG. THINK ABOUT IT.

You tell me what you believe. Because at the end of the day, that is how it will play out for you.

With unwavering love,

Q – Also known as, Quintessence.


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