So it is done, So let it be received.

USE #THEFORCE to Raise Your Vibration

If you are one of our avid readers, you know how often we say RAISE YOUR VIBRATION! It is plastered all over our website and our blogs but what does it actually mean? And how can you USE THE FORCE TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION AND TAP INTO THIS NEVER ENDING ENERGY MARKET? So, what is […]

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The Importance of Friendships

Hi! It’s Charlie! I am honored to talk to you guys today about a very special topic near and dear to my heart. That’s friendship! And the importance of friends! Not only are they there for you when you are feeling blue, but it makes life that much more prettier sharing a laugh over a […]

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Living The Kingdom Within – The ONE

A while ago, my dear friend Steve Hardison told me to read this book called: The 3 Laws of Performance by Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan. The following personal email is what I send my Executives, CEO’s, Entrepreneurs, Start-up organizations and all my clients on how to tap into the Universal law that creates worlds […]

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