The Mind, Body and Heart Connection

Without the heart, there can be no understanding between the hand and the mind – Madonna, Express Yourself 

The longest distance one can take, the largest journey is the few inches between your head and your heart. This is what one of my dear friends, Coach Nicky Tanase taught me.

This is not going to be a long blog.

In fact, it’s going to be a very short one.

Like the distance between your head and your heart.

With anything you do. Be it, Career. Love. Life. Awe. And Wonder.

Make it a heart centred decision. And from there. Let it stretch up your spine. Filter through your veins. And release like a love drug into your body. Let it reach the tips of your fingertips. To the back of your head. All throughout your nervous system. Let it Seep. Soak. And Reside within you.

And from there.

Only from there.

Will your mind and body flow pursuit.

Your BRAIN is a RECEIVER. It is a ‘data collector’ of sorts. Think of it as a busy data centre. It WAS not BUILT to make decisions. It was built to look at things and collect information.

“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”― Nikola Tesla

Your Body is a SENSORY RECEPTOR. A vessel that will take in the ‘incoming’ data as IF lived in a physical reality in this Space X Time continuum. Pot – hot. Snow – cold. Rain – wet. This is where it goes through your synaptic cleft sending out sensory signals and neurotransmitters triggering ‘as if’s’ into your body…’as if’ you touched something.

And then you have the heart. The WALKING DIMENSION. That which is connected to ALL THAT IS. It usually cuts out the ‘bull’ of the data information centre or sensory information overload like TMI (Too Much Information.)

So here’s an example to demonstrate.

A spoon. BRAIN sees spoon. Mind defines spoon what spoon is with thought.  Mind gives spoon meaning. (Thoughts = Construct.)

Hand – Body. Picks up Spoon. Spoon is hot. Sends signal to brain and rest of body. Spoon is hot. (Sensory Receptors.)

Heart. I placed spoon there in this physical reality. So I can perceive what spoon is and what it means to me and others if I want to pick this spoon up again. (Dimensions to All That Is.)

Your infinity talks to you via feelings (heart.)

Your thoughts define how you experience your infinity (construct.)

Your body moves you through infinity (simulation.) – Q 

When you re-align and re-center your heart space, it all starts to align from there and then you can start synchronizing your physical reality to more of what you really want.

But not the anxious heart. Not the busy mind. Not the tired body. Although all these have information to share with you as well in the given moment.

But the calm mind, the steady heart, the stable body. Find balance between the three as best you can. Even if one takes the lead for a bit, like a metronome (your heart beat.) It will soon find balance again. If you off beat, the rhythm will soon steady itself.

And you can ‘tell’ when something is off because you just do. You never say, ‘this doesn’t think right.’

No what do you say, something about this ‘doesn’t feel right!’

And yet we question that away. Oh there you are mind, this isn’t your space here to decide. Let the rhythm of my heart find my natural rhythm again but thank you. You can rest for now as I recenter and re-align myself.

The new higher mind is that of INTUITION. Blocks of thought that defy rationale and gravity itself. But more on that later.

As Mozart once said, “I pay no attention whatever to anybody’s praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings.” Feelings = heart centred intelligence. 

Your heart centre is tapped to all that is and perpetually creates a new reality shift with every heart-beat. It connects to that part of you that floats out of your body and has that birds eye view of things.

It may seem illogical when you go through heart centred approach and aligning from there to the other energy centres of your body (chakras.)

But that would make ‘sense’ wouldn’t it?

Because it wasn’t the ‘brains’ job to make that decisions in the first place! It was there to collect.

I invite you to align all these aspects of yourself and go boldly in the direction of your excitement. Your white rabbit. Then watch, watch what magic awaits you further into the rabbit hole.

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. – Mozart 

So why all this? Why are we all here?

That’s not for me decide nor my thoughts above for you to play with to make them your own.

I do know, however you answer that question above is how you will experience your life to be, since that is what you believe it to be.

As for me. I think I will respond via a poem reference and what it means for me. As any good poem does.

Why does the caged bird sing?

Because that’s just what it does…it sings.

This is how it expresses its freedom.

Through song.

Regardless of being caged or not.

Regardless of altered reality or not.

It will continue to sing in whatever environment she is placed in,

because in every environment, she chooses to be happy.

She chooses to sing.


And this is why I believe.

The caged bird sings.

These are my thoughts for now. Like eternity, I too, allow them to flow as they please.

Be kind to one another…

From the hand that wrote the post.

The mind that thought the thoughts (Receiver.)

And the infinity that expressed it. (My Heart)


Pam 🙂




I know why the caged bird sings, Maya Angelou (1969.) Published in 1983, “I know why the caged bird sings” is a poem written by Maya Angelou. … However, the caged bird is trapped by the “bars of rage” – it has no other way to express itself but to sing “with a fearful trill”. It “sings of freedom” which can be heard “on the distant hill” 


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