So it is done, So let it be received.

The Art of Coaching

I remember sitting down with Nicky, my sister, and her friend (a life coach) for some amazing high tea at the Fairmount Hotel in Vancouver. As we sat, chatted and laughed throughout the afternoon our conversation steered to what we did for work/play. We asked the life coach, whom I didn’t know at that time, what […]

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USE #THEFORCE to Raise Your Vibration

If you are one of our avid readers, you know how often we say RAISE YOUR VIBRATION! It is plastered all over our website and our blogs but what does it actually mean? And how can you USE THE FORCE TO RAISE YOUR VIBRATION AND TAP INTO THIS NEVER ENDING ENERGY MARKET? So, what is […]

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The Importance of Friendships

Hi! It’s Charlie! I am honored to talk to you guys today about a very special topic near and dear to my heart. That’s friendship! And the importance of friends! Not only are they there for you when you are feeling blue, but it makes life that much more prettier sharing a laugh over a […]

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Vibrational Alignment Coach vs Life Coach: Which one is for YOU?!

Life Coach. Something we hear often. Also, Business Coach, Business and Executive Coaching, Results Coach, Nutritional Coach, Transformational Coach, Relationship Coach. The Coaching industry is growing. FAST! In fact, almost everywhere you go you may run into one! With so much supply, it is important to find the right fit for you. I am here […]

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Buckminster Fuller – The Real Story behind the Geodesic Domes

The story I am about to share with you is so profound yet so ‘out there’ it may be ‘beyond belief’ for some readers. It is one of those amazing, unique stories that demonstrates the powerful spirit of this brilliant being we have come to know as the brilliant American inventor, architect, theorist, author and so […]

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My Conversation with God

Well, I don’t know if you will believe me or not, but I spoke with God! Yes me!  Call it God, the Universe, Source, call it whatever you like but it happened! Shall I dare say where?… wouldn’t believe me even if I told you. Well, it was in the shower of course! Yes, I […]

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Welcome to Earth

The Universe 111 Infinity Way Galaxy of Consciousness Personal & Confidential ATTN: Infinite Being Mission Planet Earth Dear Master Creator, Congratulations on choosing planet A642b9, also known as Earth! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is rendezvousing with other beings, expanding consciousness, and expressing joy. You have been specially selected and have been created […]

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