My Conversation with God

Well, I don’t know if you will believe me or not, but I spoke with God! Yes me!  Call it God, the Universe, Source, call it whatever you like but it happened! Shall I dare say where?… wouldn’t believe me even if I told you.

Well, it was in the shower of course! Yes, I was a bit high from my allergy meds and hay fever but I believe this heightened my receptors for receiving this message. And here I am, sharing it with you…

Are you ready to begin?

Pam gets in shower feeling very lightheaded from her hay fever medication. She had been sneezing all day and it just made her feel sleepy, drowsy, and dopey! A shower might help, she thinks. She enters the shower, turns the water to HOT and enjoys the steam. As she showers, she sneezes, yet again…

Pam: Au, choouuuu!!!! Oh dear God.

Out pops a voice.

God: Yes

Pam: Who said that?!

God: Well, me of course.

Pam: Yah, but who’s me??

God: That which you call collective infinite intelligence and unconditional love. Some call me the Universe, some call me Buddha, and some call me, well … you get the idea…

Pam: Whoooaa, wait a minute. I am talking to theeeeee God?!

God: Do we really have to go through this again. I don’t lie you know?

Pam: With a questioning look on her face. Why did you come here?

God: Well you called, you said, “Dear God,” so here I Am?!

Pam: Well, what should I talk about?

God: Up to you, I’m here all day.

Pam: Okay (with a puzzled look on her face.) Well, instead of the meaning of life or other played out questions like that, how about the car I asked for? Where is it!

God: You mean the Audi R8 from the hummingbird commercial you like?

Pam: YES! That one! How did you know??? Oh wait, rhetorical question, don’t answer.

God: Thank you.

Pam: Anyway, yes that car! I asked for it months ago!

God: Well it’s here.

Pam: Where’s here?

God: In your Vortex, it is in standby mode at the moment in your GRID. Oh you should hear it purrrr……

Pam: Well make it purrr over here!

God: Well it’s in the parked gear. Only you can drive to where you are. I don’t have hands – I’m just an orb!

Pam: Ha very funny, you can do anything.

God: No, YOU can do anything.

Pam: Quit copying me! This is getting frustrating… As she is feeling the effects of her hay fever. 

God: Well that’s the real reason why it hasn’t come yet.

Pam: What do you mean?

God: Well I noticed your resistant thoughts; it’s like a ripple in the water that just sends the Audi further. All you have to do is stay calm and have more fun! As you raise your vibration and have good feeling thoughts and emotions it creates calm waters so your car can dock on your shoreline…! Fast like an Audi…..

Pam: Ok, seriously! All I have to do is be happy and it comes?

God: Well yes! Be happy and feel joy. Plus some vibrational work, like feeling better thoughts about the Audi and appreciating what you already have? Do what excites you the most and watch! It will show up on your path!

Pam: Well I already do that! I love my current car!

God: Ah hem…. Did I mention who I am??

Pam: Ok, Ok! I do appreciate it but it’s my finances. I can’t afford it right now.

God: Well, not with that attitude.

Pam: Well its reality!

God: Whose?

Pam: Don’t do that “does this chair exist crap” I learned wayyyyy back in Philosophy.

God: Oh I can’t stand that either, especially since I invented it!

Pam: OK, so should I think abundance thoughts?

God: Well yes, that’s a start. Shall we start?

Pam: OK

God: OK. (pause.)

Pam: Well???

God: I’m waiting…

Pam: You are supposed to help me think abundant thoughts?

God: Oh right! Sorry I had another call… distractions!

Pam: OK.

God: So what do you appreciate in your life right now?

Pam: Many things

God: Like…

Pam: I have found the love of my life.

God: Great start!!!! And…

Pam: Well I’m breathing, I have my health, great friends, great family, looking forward to my business but sometimes I get frustrated…

God: Oh, there goes the Audi again, now it’s in reverse!

Pam: Ok, Ok. Ummm… I am eager to learn more about myself and what I like and don’t like. I am happy to explore the contrast… okay now I’m just lying.

God: Yes, you really have to get over this contrast thing. Do you know how many times Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, or Alexander Bell explored contrast!

Pam: Ok, okay. Well, now what?

God: Don’t you need to put some clothes on…

Pam: No I mean what’s next to getting into my car!

God: Oh right, well now you are waiting for the evidence of it and you are noticing the lack of the car. Just enjoy the ride, pun intended.

Pam: Well… It’s worth a shot. What do I have to lose? Nothing! I think we are done.

God: Well I infinitely enjoyed this conversation with you. You should talk to yourself more often.

Pam: Myself! It’s more fun talking to you!

God: Well, who do you think I am?

Pam: Hmmm… what.

And there was no response. Nothing.  She stood there for a while. Were her allergies just way out there that she couldn’t think anymore?

She stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel when there was a knock on the door. It was her love.

“Hey Pam, guess what! A friend of mine is selling her car, it’s an Audi R8, and she can give you a really good price for it! Are you interested?”


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