Space: The Infinity of Beyond

As a kid, I always looked to the stars and wondered what was out there. I never wondered if we were alone, I thought that was absurd and only the ‘grown ups’ questioned that. A kid knows that there is life out there!

As Jodie Foster said in the movie, Contact:

“So if it’s just us…it seems like an awful waste of space. Right?”

I may have not been a huge super space fan as Nicky is but this curiosity is something that naturally evolved for me and something I grew into.

Now more than ever, we are hearing from multiple sources that we are heading into a Star Trek like civilization. That we will, ‘boldly go, where no man has gone before.’ I truly believe this, and that we will explore dimensions which are not yet ‘visible’ to the untrained eye. Further to that, we have parallel realities but as I say, I digress.

We have Elon Musk, heading to Mars and Richard Branson with Virgin Galactic. My question is, while everybody is building a ROCKET to get out of orbit, why are we not building a spaceship and building a new way of life? Space exploration is not something that you go to and come back; or build a temporary unit to try and colonize something. It is the classic approach of man trying to conquer a mountain or nature. There is no conquering, for we are all one. There is much more to space. It is an integral part of our society. It is not here and there, it is everywhere! We are everywhere! Integration is key!

We had Leonardo DaVinci studying flight patterns and the mechanical structure of the flight of birds and other animals. Then we had the Wright Brothers, Wilbur and Orville, who never graduated high school and were avid readers. Their dream was to fly and they lived and breathed it. They simply followed their highest excitement! They didn’t even think that their discovery would lead them to financial gains but what would last is the hopes that their names would be linked to the honor of this discovery. And, it did! They worked with nothing but a shack and the parts they built out of their bicycle shop. Who would have thought a bike shop would have sent human beings flying?!

What most people don’t know is that Samuel Langley was also a frontrunner in the race for humans to fly. He was a famous astronomer and scientist, who had all the resources, full-time staff, plus at that time $50,000 government grant. He taught at Harvard, a former Mathematics professor, with the most powerful friends in government and business such as Andrew Carnegie and Alexander Graham Bell. And wait, not to mention he was an expert pilot and successfully launched flight models off the tower of the Smithsonian.

You see, the idea of flight was available to all. Anything you want is available to you, IF you desire it with great conviction, it will trump all the excuses, reasons, and steps you think you need to have in place before it is in place. Sometimes you’ve just got to go out there and do it, swing the bat, and hit your home run. So how does this relate to space travel? Well everything, what I like to highlight here, is the human spirit and our natural curiosity for wanting more, discovering more, and being more.

We have all seen movies such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Deep Space Nine, Guardians of the Galaxy, and heard from subject matter experts such as Darryl Anka, The Pleiadians, Sphere-Being Alliance, and so many more I can’t even list them here. We are starting to get accustomed to the idea of space exploration and other galactic beings.

I always thought, from Earth we have the blue sky, beyond that we have our different atmospheres, beyond that we have dark space with stars pasted on it, and beyond that, I thought… maybe we have another layer of ‘blue skies.’  It is possible, if you can imagine it. We humans like to categorize infinity into general labels which is okay because we learn something from these different layers and patterns. It is like one layer is water, the other layer oil, but it is all housed in the same container. And then we have air! Another layer! There will always be another layer! This is law. And how exciting this is! To know there is always something new for us to explore and discover!

It is what you choose to be open to. If you don’t believe in it, it won’t show itself to you. If you do, it will. And sometimes, the collective consciousness will just be the tipping point to a whole new reality and dimension. Growth is inevitable.

When we work with clients at Masters Coaching Studio, and create with people to realize their dreams, this is the work we do together. We talk about flights, we talk about what is working, we talk about vision, we explore, we adventurize, we go to infinity and beyond, and implement dreams that seem so surreal to both of us. Like humankind’s first flight.

Furthermore, what we help our clients realize is that the reason a particular dream was gifted to them is because they have the imagination to perceive it, receive it, and be it. It’s not like the universe sends you visions and impulses and then is like, haha you can’t have that. The universe simply reflects back at you exactly what you are offering it. It knows that because of you, YOU CAN REALIZE THAT. And since you sent out the signal, it answered the call and gifted you with the vision or dream. It gave you a carrot, a glimpse of life’s coming attraction. This is the job of the higher mind. The Imagination. The Physical mind’s duty is to perceive it. Your job is to raise your vibration so that you can tune into the frequencies and impulses that the universe is constantly showering you with.

If you can dream it, you can receive it. You have a desire, you send out a signal, your signal is received. START BEING A CONDUIT TO THAT SOLUTION OR ANSWER. Whatever you think can be materialized into this physical existence. It is real. It does exist!

So, whether you want to explore space, build or co-live on a spaceship, explore different realms and planets, or just fly, just know it is possible. And some of this has already been realized.

Dream big, dream weird. Because if your idea is not considered weird then you are normal. Being normal means you are in the direction of the masses. All great leaders and trend setters follow his or her own direction and impulses.


Onward, Upward, Reflection and Beyond!

With unwavering Love and Friendship,




Reference for Wright Brothers:


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