Welcome to Earth

The Universe
111 Infinity Way
Galaxy of Consciousness
Personal & Confidential

ATTN: Infinite Being
Mission Planet Earth

Dear Master Creator,

Congratulations on choosing planet A642b9, also known as Earth!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is rendezvousing with other beings, expanding consciousness, and expressing joy. You have been specially selected and have been created through the unique quantum mechanics and contain vibrational stardust, basically a spark of intelligence. You have been specifically assigned by your choice for your time here on planet Earth.

Your memory of past life forms has been wiped momentarily on planet earth, even though the past, present and future simultaneously exist in the present moment.

You are not alone. We have equipped you with abundance, freedom, courage, love, intelligence, beauty, joy, and have given you ‘extended benefits’ to create at will anything you desire. These tools are your birthright and will be given to you upon your physical birth! Please note, they can only be used in every present moment.

We strongly suggest you use your time wisely for the allocated period you have chosen. You have ‘preset’ some expansive relationships prior to your journey here on Earth to assist you, it is your duty to align with them. Your mission should you choose to accept it is the expansion of all beings and the Universe itself. No biggie.

Anything you desire will be given to you in vibrational form first as that will be the dominant form for you while in your chosen human avatar. The joy of creation will be given to you in vibrational form, this is how you create.

What is vibrational form? It is your thoughts, it is your intuition, it is what you call your gut instinct. Think and choose wisely. There are no barriers or restrictions placed on your thoughts. Only you get to decide how or what you want to think/create. Your feelings will serve as an indicator as to how close or how far you are to receiving who you really are. These are your basic tools that encompass your foundation. There are others but this should suffice for now. You will discover them as you go through this life force.

Furthermore, we have set you with an IBA – Inner Being Advisor. You may communicate with them at any given time as they serve you powerfully as a navigation tool through the energy found on planet Earth. In fact, you never leave home without it.

Once your assigned contract has expired your time on Earth will terminate. And you will be reassigned and relocated. You will be transitioned into your nonphysical state fully via what your humans call the death experience while on Earth. It’s no big deal.

Again, We strongly suggest you make the best use of your time. Interact with the millions and billions of species and the beasts of your planet! Enjoy the variety, fruits, foods, relationships, and juxtaposition that this planet has to offer as you have helped in your nonphysical form to put them there. It will serve in the expansion of the UE – Universal Empire to explore and align with all that is you.

You must be joy in all that you do. That is key.

You are being sent off to swim in the creation of your mind. You helped in the creation of this planet prior to you even being placed there. You are exploring your thoughts manifested and as you look standing from Earth into the sky thinking of other planets and beings you have created yet another realm of exploration. How brilliant you are!

You truly are a magnificent one and we chose you to be here by concocting our own universal energy into every cell of your chosen physical body.

You have chosen to come through a manifested being called Mum X and Dad Y, although there are some on your planet who have decided to switch to other guardians of the galaxy. They call these beings family on planet Earth; we just call them portals of existence. How you choose to interact with them is your choice. There are no right or wrong methodologies here for you are a Master Creator.

You have chosen your purpose to be _________________ for your mission here on Earth. Although these matters are always subject to change.

Thank you for being engaged.

This message will self-destruct in 10 seconds and your memory will be wiped. This will serve you as a clean slate for your creation and cause diversity of beliefs, values, and expansion for the planet and for your kind. We are not here to preset you with values, it is your role to create and express your unique code that was gifted to you. The only commonality that serves you is that you are all derived from the same Source. How far away or how close you want to be to Source while on your time on this planet is up to you. The gift of freedom is for you to exercise.

In order to contact us, get into vibrational alignment for a direct feed on guidance or call 1.800.STAR.LIGHT EXT Infinite Intelligence. Source will always answer your call. Always.

Be well. Prosper. Be Kind. Play and Explore.

Wishing you and knowing you will do well,

Your friend,

The Universe

Many Notes, One Symphony.


I want to personally acknowledge, thank, and appreciate the following individuals for their boldness and bravery in being the pioneers and setting the foundation for so much of my teachings and creating the spark within to help me develop my inner Q – Quintessence.

Esther Hicks, Darryl Anka, Jane Roberts, Sanaya Roman, Duane Packer for being such luminaries and bringing forth: Abraham-Hicks, Bashar, Orin and DaBen, Seth.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”
― Nikola Tesla

1 Comment


August 4, 2015 at 9:05 pm - Reply

Mission Accepted!
Here is to Raising our Vibration!

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